The Auditory system is a complex system with different levels of hierarchy.
The Peripheral Auditory system consists of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and the auditory nerve and pathologies in these regions are referred to as Peripheral Disorders.
The Central Auditory system consists of the Brainstem and Cortex and pathologies in this region are referred to as Central disorders.
The purpose of a diagnostic hearing assessment is to determine the site of disorder in the auditory system, and to determine the extent and amount of dysfunction if any, in the auditory system.
Did you know?
Auditory system dysfunction can occur due to various pathologies such as infections, ototoxicity from drugs, trauma, tumours, neurological disease, metabolic disease, genetics, vascular insufficiency and central nervous system diseases.
Hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, dizziness, difficulty hearing in background noise and localising sounds, are some of the difficulties experienced by individuals with auditory dysfunction.
A diagnostic hearing assesssment is for £99 only and includes FREE video Otoscopy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are auditory tests?
Auditory tests differentiate between site of disorder in the peripheral auditory system and the central auditory system.
What tests will I have during my appointment ?
We carry out the following tests: Video Otoscopy, Audiometry, Middle ear function testing, Otoacoustic Emission testing, Auditory Brain stem Response and Cortical Evoked responses.
What is Video Otoscopy?
Video otoscopy involves the use of a video otoscope to capture an image or record a video of the ear drum and ear canal.
What is Audiometry?
Audiometry is used to measure the sensitivity of the ear to different frequencies (0.25 – 8kHz) when compared to the normal hearing range.
It consists of the following tests:
AIR CONDUCTION TESTING – this tests the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and central auditory system and is carried out by use of headphones or insert ear phones.
BONE CONDUCTION TESTING – this test bypasses the outer and middle ear and sound is transmitted directly to the inner ear by use of a bone conductor.
What are Middle ear function tests?
Middle ear function tests refer to tests used to check the status of the middle ear. These include Tympanometry, Acoustic reflex testing and Eustachian Tube dysfunction tests.
What is an OAE test?
Otoacoustic emission test is used to check the status of the outer hair cells in the cochlea. The cochlea hair cells in the inner ear, emit cochlear sounds when responding to an external sound. These emitted sounds travel to the middle ear and outer ear where they are recorded by a microphone placed in the ear canal.